Wednesday 30 October 2013

                                                                       CHOSEN GENERATION
Text:  Mark 1:16-20

Ps 139:14 I will praise thee for I am wonderfully made ...
He says 'I will make you fishers of men.......'  Always looking for somebody to transform his life.

Reasons for calling
1.  Failure Lk 5.5       -  Astonished  Lk 5:7-9
2. Sick  Mk 9:2,    John 5:9-11 - palsy
3. Provision  Lk 19:42,  Is 45:2-3,  Matt 6:26-34
4. Dead Lk 7:14
5. Deliverance Mk 5:1-11
6. Hopelessness Acts 3:1-11
7. Blind 10:49 stood still
8. Sinners - Lk 5:32  to call sinners to repentance
                      - Lk 19:10  to seek the lost
                                 -  Woman caught in adultery

Those that refused
1.  Are condemned  John 3:36
2. Cursed  Gal 3:10  cursed be whoever refuses to continue to do whatever is written in the book of the law.
3. Always sorrowful Matt 19:21-22

How to follow Him
1.  Mk 1:20  leaving all and forgetting the past
2. Gen 17:1  Walk before Him
3. Deut 25.26,  28:1  Obey Him
4. James 4:7 Surrender and submit to His control

- He chose His disciples
- You were chosen to be here today
- You have been chosen for the redemptive rights, and
- Also chosen to be with Him eternally.

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